lunes, 5 de junio de 2017


The Queen of death is about a police inspector who it is about an Egyptian police inspector who, because of the heat season, did not have much work, since no archaeologist liked to do his research in the heat, he did not have to go to London in the summer to work in the British museum. The book begins with him in London, resting and enjoying, on his way appears a book called The Mystery of Queen Axtarte written by Dr Farrow, which is about a queen who lived thousands of years ago who was arrogant and in celebration His death sent to kill all presents poisoning his food, and his grave so that nobody could visit the full of germs, so that the person who dared to enter died, was like a curse. Salahadin begins to interest to him and sees that Dr Farrow appears in the newspaper in a note that said that he would be looking for the place of the tomb, Salahadin begins to investigate and looking for answers by the side of some of his friends, Leila and Ahmed, about Farrow's suspicious trip and begins to find incongruences that makes him to think instantly That things went wrong, he effectively learns that Mr and Mrs Farrow were kidnapped by vandals who want to steal the treasures that the tomb hides, but for obvious reasons Farrow knows that everyone is in danger and refuses to take them to the place. Then begins the real action, where many secrets are gradually revealed and where the bad ones are getting their deserved.

domingo, 4 de junio de 2017

Reflexion about the Story

In this book John Milne wants to make us reflexion about:

  • When you feel alone remember that there will always be someone prepared to help you.
  • Good people are always more and therefore we will always win, bad people sooner or later receive their punishment.
  • Nobody knows the complete truth, most of the time they are just assumptions.
  • Love always wins.
  • The Ancients Egypts were too much intelligent, sometimes even more than us.
  • Some mysteries have to stay like that, in mystery.


If you want to enjoy your reading by two times just reading once, I recommend you to put this video that contains the audiobook free. Remember that it's good to follow the reading with the audio.


Sometimes when I'm reading a book I concentrated with some music, mostly classic, but searching in youtube I have found a very good music that help you fly your imagination when your reading this book, literaly this music trasportated you to the Ancient Egyptian time. I hope you enjoy it.


He's the main character. He's a police inspector, his job in holiday was to work at the British Museum, then he started to interes about Dr. Farrow and his desaparicion, he work with other agents to find and help him.   
Dr. John Farrow
He's one of the seconds characters. An arqueologist that wrote a book named "The Mystery of Queen Axtarte" where he put a story of an ancient queen, and the possible locate of her tomb, he is kidnaped for a smugglers and his wife too until he told them where the tomb is, his only hope is Salahadin.
Christine Farrow
She's thrid character. Wife of Dr. Farrow. She is kidnaped for the same smugglers but they leave her with Greer a bully.
Profesor Gomouchian
He's thrid character. He's the one who know Dr. Farrow and has read all his book, he is a good piece of clue to find Dr. Farrow.
Second Character. A woman who know Salahadin for a long time ago, they study the same thing and in the same University, she went to Cairo to help him in his mission.
He's third character. One of the inspectors to help Salahadin in the case, he's the couple of work of Leila.
The servant to told the inspectors about the mystery woman in the house in heliopolis.
Keesing and Fries
Antagonists characters. Two of the smugglers who kidnap Mr and Mrs Farrow. They want to find the treasures the tomb of the Queen Axtarte hides.
Antagonist Character. The bully who has Christine Farrow and if he doesn't receives a call before seven o'clock she would died by his hand.
Dr. Jusef Strengel's
Another smuggler, for me his the most antagonist one, he want the treasures of the tomb too, but not for sell them, he wanted just for him, because he has a warehouse with all the things he steals.

Settings of the book

This book take place in a lot of parts in Europe and Asia. The most named places are:
Where the book start.
 The British Museum
It's the place where Salahadin had to spend part of his holiday working.
The place where Salahadin went after bought the book "The Mystery of Queen Axtarte".
 Cairo City
Where Dr. John Farrow, his wife and Professor Gomouchian are at the first part of the book.
 Cairo International Airport
Where Salahadin arrived and met the inspector Ahmed and Leila.
Where Professor Gomouchian lived.
 Hotel Mirabel
The place where Mr and Mrs Farrow was spending their time.
Here Salahadin was looking for the tomb and Dr. John Farrow.
 Karnak Tomb
Located 30 kilometers to Queen Axtarte tomb.
 Valley of Kings
It was near to the tomb of the Queen.
Where it was a house with an unusual woman living there. That's why Ahmed and Leila were investigating.

Personal Opinion of the Book

The Queen of Death is a very special book for me, because it came into my life when I was tired of always reading the same genres, with the same story. The first time I saw the book I thought it was going to be boring and tired, but as I was reading it, I liked the magic that was creating in me and I was surprised how such a short book can have such a good story. I became very interested until there was a moment when I could not let go. I love the mystery that it presents and the way in which it makes you think about where the tomb can be found and how it is that they will leave of all the problems that are being presented little by little. I liked very much the end, in fact was what I expected and I certainl recommend this book.

Historical Background

The book doesn't especify a date with year, but by analizing the description of the story and the date of published, it may conclude the date aproximately between 1977 to 1979. That's why I'm going to show some historical background of this year's around the world.


The First Videoconsola Atari 2600 is created.

In Spain conscientious objection to military service is legalized for religous reasons.

In Spain the registration of names in the Civil Registry allows it to be done in any Spanish language.

On 27 March, two airplanes  a Pan Am Boeing 747 and a 747 KLM, crash on the runway at the Rodeos airport in the Canary Islands, killing 582 people.

Mexico presents an inflation, unemployment, capital flight, devaluation. The goverment asks for clam, confidence and sacrifice.

Jan 1 NFC Championship Game: Dallas Cowboys beat Minnesota Vikings 23-6.
 On 14 March Operation Litani, the first Israeli invasion of Lebanon, takes place.

 The Spanish Congress rejects a bill to abolish the death penalty, presented by the Socialists.


 The USA and China establish diplomatic relations.

 The UN begins the International Year of the Child.

In Great Britain the state of emergency is implanted in Northern Ireland, due to the strike of the transport workers.

On 3 May in the United Kingdom, Margaret Thatcher, leader of the British Conservative Party, is elected prime minister and becomes the first woman in Europe to hold this position.

On July 22 Sony launches the TPS-L2, the first Walkman model, a small stereo cassette player with no speakers that hangs from the belt and is heard with headphones.

In Mexico1979 it is registered with strikes in almost all branches of industry. In the first months of the year it was estimated that there were between 20 and 40 thousand workers on permanent strike.

jueves, 1 de junio de 2017

Fun Facts About The Book

Did you know...?


1. The Queen of Death is an Intermediate Level story in a series of modern and classic novels, and designed to appeal to all age-groups, tastes and cultures. The books are divided into five levels: Starter Level, with about 300 basic words; Beginner Level (600 basic words); Elementary Level (1100); Intermediate Level (1600); and Upper Level (2200). Some of the titles are also available on cassette.

2. This book is the one most sold by the writer John Milne.

3. The book was illustrated by Peter Dennis.

4. It first published was in 1979.

John Milne

1. After John Milne starts to be a writer he trained as a painter but only after false starts as a policeman and a factory worker.

2. He won the 1998 Edgar Award for an episode of Silent Witness.

Author's Bio

John Milne
John Milne was born in London on January 1, 1952. He started to write about his passion, the genre Mystery and Thrillers. He wrote a lot of books like: The Queen Of Death, The Long Tunnel, The Black Cat, Lucky Number, etc. Then he go to the TV where he has scriptwriting credits include: Bergerac, Eastenders, Lovejoy, The Bill, Boon, Taggart, Wycliffe and Silent Witness.  Nowadays he lives in Essex.