domingo, 4 de junio de 2017

Settings of the book

This book take place in a lot of parts in Europe and Asia. The most named places are:
Where the book start.
 The British Museum
It's the place where Salahadin had to spend part of his holiday working.
The place where Salahadin went after bought the book "The Mystery of Queen Axtarte".
 Cairo City
Where Dr. John Farrow, his wife and Professor Gomouchian are at the first part of the book.
 Cairo International Airport
Where Salahadin arrived and met the inspector Ahmed and Leila.
Where Professor Gomouchian lived.
 Hotel Mirabel
The place where Mr and Mrs Farrow was spending their time.
Here Salahadin was looking for the tomb and Dr. John Farrow.
 Karnak Tomb
Located 30 kilometers to Queen Axtarte tomb.
 Valley of Kings
It was near to the tomb of the Queen.
Where it was a house with an unusual woman living there. That's why Ahmed and Leila were investigating.

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