domingo, 4 de junio de 2017

Historical Background

The book doesn't especify a date with year, but by analizing the description of the story and the date of published, it may conclude the date aproximately between 1977 to 1979. That's why I'm going to show some historical background of this year's around the world.


The First Videoconsola Atari 2600 is created.

In Spain conscientious objection to military service is legalized for religous reasons.

In Spain the registration of names in the Civil Registry allows it to be done in any Spanish language.

On 27 March, two airplanes  a Pan Am Boeing 747 and a 747 KLM, crash on the runway at the Rodeos airport in the Canary Islands, killing 582 people.

Mexico presents an inflation, unemployment, capital flight, devaluation. The goverment asks for clam, confidence and sacrifice.

Jan 1 NFC Championship Game: Dallas Cowboys beat Minnesota Vikings 23-6.
 On 14 March Operation Litani, the first Israeli invasion of Lebanon, takes place.

 The Spanish Congress rejects a bill to abolish the death penalty, presented by the Socialists.


 The USA and China establish diplomatic relations.

 The UN begins the International Year of the Child.

In Great Britain the state of emergency is implanted in Northern Ireland, due to the strike of the transport workers.

On 3 May in the United Kingdom, Margaret Thatcher, leader of the British Conservative Party, is elected prime minister and becomes the first woman in Europe to hold this position.

On July 22 Sony launches the TPS-L2, the first Walkman model, a small stereo cassette player with no speakers that hangs from the belt and is heard with headphones.

In Mexico1979 it is registered with strikes in almost all branches of industry. In the first months of the year it was estimated that there were between 20 and 40 thousand workers on permanent strike.

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